
Follow Me Down

Created by Joie Martin

A GMless, two-player tabletop roleplaying game inspired by the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, Powered by the Apocalypse NOTE: Shipping for physical items will be charged later, when your order is ready to ship!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

May Progress Report for Follow Me Down
about 2 years ago – Fri, Apr 29, 2022 at 05:44:49 PM

Where We Are

Hi everyone! I'm back from my hiatus and thought it would be a good time to give you a progress report on Follow Me Down. A few things have changed since last month, including the addition of two new contributors: Olivia Montoya and Cameron Johnson. Olivia will be creating character sheets for Follow Me Down, while Cameron will be writing the Sumerian playset for Tomes of the Dead.

As of this posting, Nana has completed the graphic design elements for the book, while Misha is in the process of editing the manuscript. Our stretch goal writers, Chris and Josh are hammering away at their assignments, and I've started work on the Noir playset for Tomes of the Dead. Most of May will be focused on art direction, commissioning new illustrations for the book, and sending the manufacturing order for the wall scrolls (the dice were created and delivered before the campaign even launched).

June will mostly focus on work for Starkhollow Hall, as my duties for Follow Me Down will shift to a more managerial role as I shepherd contributors toward the final product(s). My only other "hands-on" work for Follow Me Down will be layout in September and managing fulfillment in October. 

Convention Season

After 2+ years away, I'll be returning to the convention circuit this summer, starting with Breakout in Toronto on July 15th - 17th. In August I'll be heading to Gencon with IGDN, then onto Metatopia in November, and PAX Unplugged in December. I'll be running demos of upcoming Drowning Moon Studios game Wayfaring Strange at all of these conventions, as well as demos of other IGDN members' games at Gencon and PAX Unplugged.

That's all for now! Once again, thank you for your support, and I'll have another update for you next month.


Final Reminder - Surveys Close on 3/31/22
over 2 years ago – Fri, Apr 01, 2022 at 06:59:58 PM

Surveys & Pre-Orders Close This Thursday

Hi everyone, this is your final reminder that surveys and pre-orders for Follow Me Down close this Thursday, 3/31/22 at 12pm Est. There are about 5% of you who still haven't filled out your survey, so please make sure you do so before Thursday! Once surveys close, you will still be able to do things like change your address, but you will no longer be able to modify your pledge or order. 

Taking a Break During April

This also serves as your monthly update for April (though we haven't quite reached it yet) because I will be taking a sabbatical during that month to focus on my mental and physical health. This shouldn't affect production in any way--our contributors remain hard at work on their aspects of the game--but I wanted to let you know because I will be difficult to reach until I return to the office in May.

Starkhollow Hall Pre-Order Store Open!

Finally, if you missed the crowdfunding campaign for Starkhollow Hall during February, the pre-order store for that game has opened. Some rewards offered during the campaign are no longer available, but if you missed it and wanted to get a physical or PDF copy of the zine, you can still do so.

And that's it for now! As always, thank you for supporting Follow Me Down, and remember to get those surveys in!

Surveys and Pre-Orders Closing on March 31st!
over 2 years ago – Fri, Mar 25, 2022 at 04:31:19 AM

Surveys and Pre-Orders Closing Soon!

Hi everyone! Here's your reminder that we will be locking surveys and closing pre-orders for Follow Me Down next Thursday, March 31st. If you haven't already filled out your survey, or chosen any add-ons, now's the time to do so! Once surveys lock you will still be able to modify your address, but you won't be able to make any other changes without contacting me directly. You will not be charged for shipping at this time. Shipping charges will occur right before we ship in the fall, and I will give you plenty of notice before that happens. If you've already filled out your survey, you can sit back, relax and wait for your rewards. If you haven't, however, now's the time to do it!

((An illustration of two pomegranates, one sliced in half, one whole.))

Surveys Will Lock at the End of March
over 2 years ago – Mon, Mar 14, 2022 at 05:44:29 PM

Hi everyone! This is your monthly update as we progress toward completion of Follow Me Down. Much like last month, we're still in the thick of it, with only a few minor updates; writing on the Mesopotamian and Sumerian mythological playset for Tomes of the Dead has begun and, in the next few weeks, I'll be reaching out to additional artists to commission more artwork for the book.

The really important thing to note, however, is that surveys will lock, and add-ons and pre-orders will close at the end of the month. What this means for you, as a backer, is that you will no longer be able to make changes or additions to your pledge. You will still be able to modify your address, and you won't be charged for shipping until rewards are ready to ship (likely in October). I'll make another post 48 hours before surveys lock, reminding you to make any changes before that happens.

That's all for now! Look for the reminder at the end of the month, and I hope you're staying safe and enjoying the first few days of spring.

Starkhollow Hall Live on Indiegogo!
over 2 years ago – Fri, Feb 18, 2022 at 06:00:29 AM

Starkhollow Hall Live on Indiegogo!

The Starkhollow Hall cover; a black and white image of a young woman dressed in Victorian attire holding a candelabra. Cover reference image licensed from Getty Images.

Hi everyone, sorry for two updates in such a short amount of time, but for those interested, Starkhollow Hall is now live on Indiegogo! An investigative, gothic horror tabletop roleplaying game set in an isolated girls' boarding school, Starkhollow Hall builds upon the GUMSHOE SRD to create an eerie setting teeming with mysteries for players to solve. 

To back Starkhollow Hall, please follow this link to the campaign: